
Predictive dialer

0 823
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A Predictive Dialer Software, an outbound call dialer system which can dial calls automatically using the list from the database. We can call predictive dialing an intelligent call dialing and call processing system. It will automatically dial many calls from the list by using telephone numbers. Like other auto-dialers, predictive dialer call numbers automatically and can help agents screen for busy signals.

 Predictive dialer software uses :

~ We can use Predictive Dialer Software in telemarketing where we have to dials multiple calls to the customers.

~ Predictive Dialer Software provides us the freedom to dial unlimited phone calls to the customer. It provides more help in increasing productivity.

~ Predictive dialer provides automatic retries to those numbers which are answered by a machine, no answered or line busy.

~ Using predictive dialer software we can increase productivity so that we can earn more profit.

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