Intellectual Property Claims
Reporting Copyright/Trademark Infringement Claims
Our content is based on User Generated Content, and we do not check the content uploaded or posted by users against violations of copyright, trademark rights, or other rights. However, still, we take copyright or trademark infringement claims seriously and will respond to notices of such infringements that comply with the applicable law. If you believe any uploaded or published content or materials on this site violate your copyright, trademark rights, or a similar exclusive right, you may request removing such things from the website by submitting a notification in writing to us.
However, make sure to include these things in your copyright or trademark infringement notice to permit us to review your report effectively and promptly.
- An identification of the content/material/post that you find violating your copyrights or Identification of your trademark and the goods or services for which you have trademark rights
- Your copyright certificate(s)/designation(s) and its type, registered or unregistered or your trademark registration certificate and a printout from the pertinent country's trademark office records showing current status and the title of the registration. Otherwise, a statement that your trademark is unregistered, along with a court ruling confirming your trademark rights
- Your copyright ownership proof; it can be either a copy of the registration certification or the registration number
- Your specifics, such as your name, contact address, email address, and contact number
- A description briefing how our user(s) supposedly violate(s) your copyright(s) or your trademark(s)
- A clear reference to the material, which you claim infringing your copyright(s) or trademark(s) and are requesting to be removed
- A statement of belief that declares that the use of the copyrighted material is not authorized by the copyright or trademark owner, its agent, or the applicable law
- A statement made under penalty of perjury that the information declared in the written notice is precise and you are the copyright or trademark owner or the owner of the exclusive right that is being violated, or you are authorized to raise a complaint on the copyright or trademark owner’s behalf or on behalf of the owner of the exclusive right that is being infringed
- Your physical or electronic signature
You can send your written notice to us ( at:
(Please mention the contact address)
You can also send an electronic notice to us at
Note that we will inform the user who is supposedly violating your copyright or trademark about your notice and allow them to respond. If we receive sufficient proof of infringement, we may suspend or remove the reported material or content rather than waiting for the user’s response. If we receive a proper counter-notification from that supposedly infringing user stating that it is allowed to post the allegedly infringing material, we may notify you and then repost/republish the removed or suspended material. In any of these circumstances, we will act according to the applicable law.
If you fail to comply with the above-mentioned requirements and the applicable law, your copyright or trademark infringement notice may not be effective. Also, if you intentionally and/or materially misrepresent the material or activity on the website is violating your copyrights or trademark rights, you may be held responsible for damages, including attorney fees and defending costs.
Counter-Notification Procedures
If you believe the material you posted or have access to on the website was removed or disabled either by misidentification or mistake, you may submit a counter-notification (or counter-notice) in writing to us. Make sure your counter-notice includes the following:
- An identification of the removed or disabled material and its location (exactly where it appeared before it was removed or its access disabled)
- Your specifics, such as your name, contact address, email address, and contact number
- Your physical or electronic signature
- A statement of belief made under penalty of perjury that the material identified above was removed or disabled by mistake or misidentification of the material to be disabled or removed
- A statement that you will agree to the jurisdiction of the courts of India
We may restore the removed content if the party reporting the copyright infringement does not file a legal action against you within 10 business days of receiving the copy of your counter-notice. If you intentionally and/or materially misrepresent that the material or activity on the website was removed or disabled by mistake or misidentification, you may be held responsible for damages, including attorney fees and defending costs.
We reserve the right to disable and/or terminate the accounts of users who are repeatedly involved in copyright and/or trademark violations.